Intermountain Inpatient Bilirubin Decision Accuracy Study using Smartphone-based Measurements by Picterus Jaundice Pro
USA, Intermountain Medical Center, Utah The goal of this project is to evaluate the performance of Picterus Jaundice Pro in an American population, including preterm and term newborns and pre- and post- phototherapy. You can read more about the study here
Evaluation of a Smartphone-based Screening Tool (Picterus JP) for Neonatal Jaundice
USA, The University of Chicago The goal of this project is to collect bilirubin measurement in all skin types using Picterus Jaundice Pro. Picterus Jaundice Pro is currently not approved for newborns with one or both parents of a skin colour scored by Fitzpatrick scale of 5 or higher (dark brown and very dark brown […]